Being Fruitful, Not Busy

I hear from so many women all the time about how they are overwhelmed with life – they’re stressed out and burned out. Women of God, that is not His plan for us. He wants us to seek Him and follow His lead. Here is an entry from my Sitting at His Feet devotional about Busyness – I hope it’s encouraging to you today!

Are you aware that busyness takes you from me? It steals your time and your energy and threatens to overtake you.  B-U-S-Y—Being –Under-Satan’s-Yoke. My child, when you stay on the hamster wheel of busyness, you end up under Satan’s yoke. Release yourself from the pressure of perfectionism and drivenness. My desire for you is to be fruitful not busy. When you are fruitful you have been abiding in me, the Vine. I know the plans I have for you for good, and my plans do not include stress. My plans are for your perfect peace as you seek my will. Keep in step with me and follow my lead. I will lead you in the way that you should go and not push or drive you. I will gently lead you beside still waters. When you take the path that I have chosen for you, you will find freedom and peace. Stress-induced followers are not surrendered-followers. Surrender your plans, and I will show you a new way to live in me.


Isaiah 26:3; Luke 10:38-42; John 15:7-8

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