God Has Not Abdicated His Throne

Over the weekend as I was walking through the woods, watching my husband and grandson play disc golf, I had a thought:

God has not abdicated His throne

As I watched the interaction between grandson and grandfather, I observed a relationship that was secure, safe, fun, and respectful of one another.

And then I thought about the world that seems to be spinning out of control and remembered what I always say when I teach…

But God…

But God has not abdicated His throne. Living life at an accelerated pace and facing so many changes has created anxiety and fear.

Tom Friedman, in his book Thank You for Being Late, describes our accelerated world. He says that we have been living in static stability and need to move into dynamic stability; that just about the time we get used to a change in technology, we are faced with it being obsolete. He suggests that we learn to hit the pause button because it is in the pauses that we are most able to not simply cope, but find creative ways to handle the acceleration and added stress it brings.




Jesus was never in a hurry. He went up to the mountain to pray after a busy day. He consulted with His Father as to what He needed to be doing. He was always about “His Father’s business.” It is no surprise to God that the world is changing. He gave us tools not to simply cope, but to live abundant peaceful lives. His solution was to teach us to abide with Jesus; spend time with Him, connected to Him. Unplug from the world and listen to His voice. Discover His plans for you for that day. Connecting to Him daily will enable you to live at a pace that is not simply manageable but joyful.

Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and ti will be done for you. (John 15:7)

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