God’s Faithfulness to Cover Our Sins

But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His son, purifies us from all sin.

John 1:7

The early church fathers viewed the scarlet cord as a type (symbol) of Jesus’ atonement (forgiveness for sins by the shed blood of Jesus Christ).

Throughout the Scriptures, the importance of Jesus’ atonement is presented in different ways. Jesus represents the Lamb of God in the story in Exodus where the blood of the lamb was put on the door posts to save the Israelites’ firstborn sons from certain death. Jesus shed His blood so that we could also be saved from spiritual death by coming into a right relationship with His Father.

You do not have to hang a scarlet cord outside your door like Rahab did to demonstrate her faith. (Joshua 2:21) Yet, it is important for each of us to recognize the importance of our atonement through Jesus’ shed blood for us. Remember that as God used Rahab, He can and will use you if you are willing. Determine to deal with anything that holds you back from having the faith that enables you to be used by God.

Heavenly Father,

Forgive me when I take your grace in vain. Today, I symbolically place a “scarlet cord” over my life indicating that I am Yours, covered in the blood of Jesus. Help me to remember that though it may seem risky to place my faith in You at times, You are worth it all.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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