In Monday’s Making Space for God blog post, I talked about Taking a Risk and specifically the question, “How do you know when God is asking you to step out in faith and take a risk?” God gives us signposts to help us discern His will. But once we’re ready to take that next step, it can still be scary. Here is some encouragement from my devotional, Drawing Near to God, on trusting God’s leading —
God’s Leading
See, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth will go into the Jordan ahead of you.
Joshua 3:11
The Israelites had to cross over the Jordan at flood tide. The river was swollen by the spring rains and melting snow from the Lebanon Mountains. During most of the year, the Jordan River was about 100 feet wide. However, during the spring flood season, the usually narrow river overflowed its banks and swelled to be a mile wide. The Israelites had no physical way to cross the Jordan. They needed the power of God to do what they were helpless to do. In the same way, God works in our lives today. God promises to go before us in times of transition, preparing the way for us and remaining with us each step of the way. I imagine that the Israelites looked at the swollen Jordan River and back at the shore again and were afraid. The Promised Land was just ahead on the other side of the Jordan, but was it worth the risk? God promised them that if they would trust Him, He would send His Presence (represented by the ark) ahead of them. His Presence would part the river and lead the way.

It is often when things seem impossible, when the rivers of life are at a breaking point, that fear immobilizes us. Consider those things that seem impossible to you today. Perhaps your child is rebelling or your marriage is failing. Look up and see the ark of God’s Presence beckoning you to follow. He will lead the way and part the turbulent waters. Your part is to step out in faith; His part is to carry you across.
Heavenly Father,
I am afraid of the swollen river of my circumstance. Why must I cross over when it seems so impossible? It would be so much easier to wait until the waters subside to deal with things. I realize that it requires more faith for me to trust You when things seem impossible. Increase my faith to trust You and to follow Your lead.
In Jesus’ name, Amen