God’s Promises

Your promises have been thoroughly tested, and Your servant loves them.

Psalm 119:140

God promised Abram that his offspring would inherit the land.

However, Abram had to obey by leaving his home, not knowing where he was going. God protected Abram’s offspring, forming the nation of Israel and leading them throughout the centuries towards the fulfillment of His promise. If Abram had not forged ahead in spite of his fears, he never might have left Ur. From the moment he took his first step of faith, God reassured him and his descendants that He would be with them every step of the way as they sought to be obedient.

Abram’s step of faith was the first step towards the fulfillment of God’s promise to him. Later, God asked Abraham, God’s new name for Abram, to demonstrate his faith by being willing to sacrifice his son, Isaac.

Abraham knew that God had promised to form the nation of Israel from his seed, Isaac. But once again, God was looking for Abraham’s obedience, faith, and trust. What holds you back from stepping out in faith and obeying something the Lord has asked you to do?

Heavenly Father,

I have heard You call my name; I have heard You call me into Your purposes, but I fear forging ahead. What holds me back? Why am I so distressed about following where You call? I feel inadequate and fear rejection by You and others. Why do You call me to do the impossible? Help me to believe Your truth in my heart that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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