Guest Blog Post – Champions

Today I want to share with you special guest post from one of our Drawing Near to God leaders, Maggie. Each year, Maggie shares a “Grace Christmas Message” that ties her sweet daughter Grace, who has Down syndrome, to the love of God. Below is this year’s Christmas message that Maggie shared with her family and friends. What a great reminder for us all!

Grace is now a sophomore at Bishop England High School where she is getting an education (and we believe giving an education 🙂 ). The academic experience is beyond our wildest dreams with a curriculum which includes Spanish, Theology and Chemistry – yes…Chemistry!!

Last fall Grace was invited to become the manager for the Bishop England Woman’s Soccer team. This school is not only serious about education, but also serious about sports. Practices were intense and everyone had to really focus on becoming the best. Grace’s main focus was not on the “managing” position of passing out shirts, soccer balls or cleaning up, but encouraging and loving everyone on the team. The team always welcomed her hugs.

This amazing group of girls became the 2016 South Carolina Girls Soccer State Champions. To the Myatts, winning the state championship was not what made this team champions. It was the fact that they welcomed Grace in and made her part of the “team”. We looked up the word “Champion” and the synonyms listed were: advocate, proponent, promoter, supporter, defender, upholder. These girls championed Grace in so many ways, and for that we are forever grateful.

As the Christmas season is upon us, let’s not forget the True Champion to all of us, Jesus Christ. Jesus came to this world to become our advocate, proponent, promoter, supporter, defender, upholder and much, much more. In life, not everyone gets to be a champion. However, accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will always be a member of the winning team!

Love, Maggie, Ricky & Grace Myatt

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