Guilty as Charged

This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…

Romans 3:22-23

Paul addresses the deliberate nature of mankind in disobedience and rebellion against God. I often wonder how Paul would be received today.

He would likely be shunned by the world of psychology, sociology, and maybe even theology. His premise that mankind is sinful, rebellious, and disobedient against God goes against the school of thought claiming our depraved condition is a result of environment, genetics, and social issues.

Paul claims that God has revealed His presence to mankind in plain ways such as in nature. But man has turned away from Him, worshipping the creation rather than the Creator. As a result, man deliberately practices immorality and idolatry. It seems as though Paul speaks directly to our society today. His message is just as applicable today as it was to the 1st century church.

Where are you in rebellion or disobedience to God? Have you blamed it on your past circumstances, your family or friends? We are affected by our past, however the Lord desires for us to receive His healing and to step out in faith to do His will. Where have you been chained to the past or fearful of the future? Has this inhibited your obedience to God? Remember that the Lord will heal and deliver you, freeing you to serve Him in obedience. As we walk with Christ knowing we are “guilty as charged,” let us never forget that He has paid the price for our freedom. That enables us to follow the Lord in obedience and find peace and rest in walking in obedience.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the price You paid for my sins. Thank you for the freedom through redemption that You give me to serve You in obedience. Help me not to look at the bondage of my sin, but to look to You for forgiveness.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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