Healed by His Wounds

Once again, I wanted to pop in here and share with you some notes from my weekly teaching. Although our study of Isaiah is coming to a close, we’re excited to be offering not one but two studies during our semester starting in January. I invite you to join me for a short 3-week series on Tearing Down the Fences of Offences followed by a 10-week study on Living in God’s Presence. More information can be found here.

But back to Isaiah. The topic of our study this week was “Healed by His Wounds.” Isn’t that a beautiful thought – that we are healed by Jesus? Here is a key scripture to meditate on —

But He was pierced, wounded, broken for our transgressions/rebellion; He was crushed, broken to pieces for our iniquities/perversity. And the chastisement/punishment that bought us peace was upon him. And by His stripes, wound, black and blue marks we are mended together (Isaiah 53:5)

A few key points about healing.  Healing is purposeful

  • Purposefully (intentionally) looking back to God’s promises
  • Purposefully looking TO God’s promises
  • Purposefully receiving the good news that as believers we are healed and delivered—grabbing hold of the New Covenant promises for healing

But to embrace healing, there are some essentials we must claim —

  • Healing is for today – it is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow
  • The centrality of the cross. Healing centers on the finished work of the cross. 
  • Willingness to throw off obstacles to healing

Are you ready to embrace healing today? Are there any obstacles you must release? I’d love to hear from you by leaving a comment.

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