Hurricane Dorian

Here I am with countless of you across the East Coast waiting for hurricane Dorian to arrive. Many people have evacuated but we chose to stay home thinking that it appears to be pulling a bit Westward and should be more like a tropical storm. And we sure have weathered a lot of those! But in the meantime, the Weather Channel is on, scaring me half to death and I am rethinking my decision to stay as it approaches. So here are some thoughts on what to do when you are waiting for a hurricane:


  1. Cook meals– lots and lots of meals to be sure that you have plenty to eat and share with your neighbors.
  2. Check lanterns, flash lights, batteries, water and snacks. Did I mention snacks? We are running low.
  3. Place sandbags strategically in low lining places. In my case it would be by the doors in my basement.
  4. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst (isn’t that what everyone says?).
  5. Clean out your house or clear off your desk, or write a blog.
  6. Or… take pictures of clouds. That is what my husband and I have been doing for the past two nights. Well, he is taking them in a professional way. I am just happy to use my iPhone and sit by the water and marvel at God’s beautiful sunsets.

So I thought I would share some of our pictures in case you too are stuck inside waiting for the hurricane. In the meantime, see you next week for our first Drawing Near class. Sorry we had to cancel this week. But we have a hurricane coming (that is for those who live in a cave, do not own a t.v., phone, and don’t know:)

Please join me in praying that hurricane Dorian will go out to sea and for lives to be spared. See you on the other side of this!

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