In an Instant

Good afternoon, Drawing Near friends! I am grateful that the Lord has gathered us in Christ as part of a community that longs to draw nearer to God. Together we are strengthened as we pursue our faith.

This past Thursday, my mother fell and broke her hip. In an instant, she ended up on her way to the hospital for surgery. She is recovering well but what struck me is how quickly it happened. A few years ago I wrote a similar blog when my husband had a bicycle accident. And I recall thinking the same thing–  how life is full of unexpected events and how fragile it can be. Some of you reading this have lost loved ones in accidents, unforeseen events that forever changed your life. So this morning, I want to ask you a question. Do you think we can ever be prepared for the unexpected? My answer is yes and no. Doesn’t it drive you crazy when people say that? — yes and no, I mean? But sometimes it’s the only answer we have. Of course we don’t expect the unexpected, but we can live our lives from a place where trust in God is paramount. And living this way requires time and diligence to understand and really know the character of God building a relationship based on trusting his Word.

When I was a young mother, I had no idea what I was doing. I was the third child and admittedly my sisters did a whole lot for me. I let them. Why not? But then the day came when I was a mother and I was first in line to care for these three kids. It was during this season in my life, I learned to lean on God. My favorite verse was (and still is to this day) the following:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge God and He will make your path straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Hidden in God’s Word was the answer. My part was to trust in God and not try to have all the answers. My part was to acknowledge and love God and His part was to make my path straight. To this day, this Scripture makes me pause. Am I trusting Him? Am I acknowledging Him today? Maybe that is why in this circumstance my path is not straight.

In an instant…

We receive a diagnosis that puts fear on the throne of our lives.

In an instant…

Our loved one dies.

In an instant…

We lose hope and courage and faith leaks out because something hits us that is so stressful and difficult and unexpected that we want to go underground and never come back out.

Friends, we all have “in an instant” moments when the unexpected hits us like a freight train. Jesus reminds us that life will do this. Life will throw things at us that we wished had never happened, but His promise to us is that He will be with us through it all.

I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

How can we be prepared for the unexpected? We can spend time with the One who is Peace. We cannot escape the unexpected sorrows and pains of life, but we can grab hold of His promise that He has overcome the world and that He will fill us with His supernatural peace.


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