In an Instant

Beloved making space for God friends, I write this blog with a heavy heart. Around 3:45 yesterday morning I woke up because I smelled smoke. I searched the house and everything looked ok. Then I went outside and saw fire embers raining down in my yard and heard fire trucks coming down my street. My church, St. Andrews Mount Pleasant was on fire.


photo by William Ellison

My husband called our priest to tell him that the church was on fire.  As we spent the morning watching the fire fighters and praying, I was reminded how last week in my quiet time I sensed the Lord saying: “Each day is a gift. You never know what will happen in an instant. Always have a grateful heart.” The following day my husband had a cycling accident and I recalled those words. It was in an instant that he hit a rock and broke ribs and his clavicle. Today was the same…

In an instant, the church was in flames…

In an instant, your loved one dies…

Your health fails…

You lose your job…

Life is uncertain. We do not know what each day may hold but we do know who holds our future and that is the Lord Jesus. Every day is a precious gift and a grateful heart is good medicine for the soul. One of the daily practices that I have is to start my day thanking the Lord. I don’t remember to do it every day, but when I do I am reminded of His faithfulness. It is something I do to reposition my thinking; to remind myself that I am His and He holds my day in His hands.

So let’s challenge each other to not take anything for granted. Give your spouse or friend a hug, say the things you need to say to show love and support. Let’s not put off the good deeds that we feel led to do. Because in an instant something could change.

In an instant…..

But God will be there to see you through. And you will once again rejoice in His goodness because He is who He says He is– faithful and true.

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