In the Beginning

This week in our study of “His Great Name,” we learn about Elohim, Our Creator.

In the beginning GOD… (Genesis 1)

In the beginning was the WORD (John 1)

God was in the beginning and His Son was with Him– Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; as the earth was created.

So how does knowing that ‘in the beginning GOD’ transform your life? Or does it?

Does it make a difference in your home life, workplace, with friends? 

Friends, it makes all the difference in the world! God began this whole thing we call life. He was the Creator and His Son was on the premises and His Spirit hovered over the waters. It was an explosion of God’s power and love that broke forth creating the earth. And when his dynamic power finished the creation, it was good. Then He created US and called us very good.

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God…

Therefore, when I have long days of endless tasks, motherhood (or grandmother-hood), sleepless nights, sadness, no time to myself. I remember when…

  • He brought me hope in my darkest hour
  • He gave me internal rest when I was exhausted
  • He comforted my hurts; restored the broken down places, and brought freedom

Because here’s the deal. The fact that God was in the beginning; the fact that His Son came to earth to rescue us; the fact that in the beginning was the Word and the Word/Jesus was with God, makes all the difference. Because when Jesus came, He brought light into darkness and the darkness was and still is overwhelmed by His light.

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