Is Faith a Crutch?

Over the years, I have been told by unbelievers that faith is a crutch; something people need to get through a crisis. My answer has always been, “It depends on how you define faith.” Scripture defines faith as follows in Hebrews 11:1:

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for and evidence/conviction of things unseen. 

Faith is only a crutch if we pull it out of our magic box when our lives turn upside down and wave it as a magic wand wanting relief from whatever is causing us stress. That’s not the kind of faith that is substantive. Faith in Christ is based on the fact that His life, death, and resurrection bring assurance and are evidence of the unseen reality. This reality is a kingdom that is more authentic than what we see here on Earth. God’s kingdom and the king of this kingdom came to us! Unthinkable. Radical. Preposterous. This King came as a servant who ushered in a new era. Here’s what He said:

Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near. (Matthew 4:17)

Christian faith is based on the arrival of Jesus who offered us a new reality. Here is what He said:

I came that they might have life and have it abundantly. (John 10:10)

So Christian faith is faith in a person; not a preferred reality nor is it wishful thinking. Faith in Christ is the game changer and if believing in Him is a crutch sign me up because most days I limp along and I need Him to hold me up.

But faith is only activated when we exercise it, and that requires action For every profession of true faith in Christ, action follows. We will long to serve others as He did. We will step out and do courageous things, perhaps even outrageous things, that without faith we would not consider. Faith is helping the poor, the needy, and the lonely.

I would love for you to join me in our current study on James. I wrote this study seven years ago and remember in the writing how it transformed my life. It is a practical book that teaches us the power of faith and action together. You can join us in person if you live in the Charleston SC area or join us online. I would love to help you in your journey of growing in the assurance that Jesus is the way, the truth and the light. He may seem like a crutch. So be it. Leaning on Him for support is the best decision I have ever made.

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