Is God Enough?

My church welcomed a guest pastor over the weekend, a gentleman full of vigor and
passion for the Lord. He described his life that he has spent dedicated to serving others;
yet, gave testimony to the challenging times, the times when life caused him to “fall.” I found
myself captivated by his story. I wanted to stand up and say, “Yes, I understand! I, too
have fallen many times; life is difficult!” But then he said, “I didn’t know the Lord was all I
needed until the Lord was all I had.” As soon as I heard the words leave his mouth, my
heart began to beat rapidly. I’ve come to learn that this physical reaction means God is
seeking my attention. This simple statement proved profound! If I have nothing left but
God, then I am fulfilled. God is enough!

But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in
2 Cor 12:9

Following the sermon, I spent a great deal of time in self-reflection. I believe the pastor’s
words resonated with me because I have personally experienced a season of having
‘nothing.’ The basic needs of my very existence were being threatened, and the people I
called ‘family’ were being removed from my life. God was at work, but I did not know it
at the time. So, I reacted in anger and despair. I took matters into my own hands and
formulated my own outcome. Needless to say, the outcome proved fruitless.

It is difficult to think of that season of my life without reliving some of the pain. But now, I
understand why God led me through that trial. It led me to Him, El Shaddai, the One
who is powerful and mighty; the One who provides our every need. God revealed
Himself to me as the true source of sustenance, protection, and grace. All I had to do
was surrender to Him. During a time when I had nothing, He promised me everything.

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The
hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the
wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away.
John 10:11-12

I love this scripture. A hired hand tends his sheep for money, but a shepherd does it for
love. A shepherd owns his sheep and is committed to their care and wellbeing. Jesus,
our good shepherd, is not a God of protection for monetary reasons. He is not merely
doing a job. He loves us and will lay down His life to ensure our safety. He is enough.

Friends, when has God revealed Himself to you as El Shaddai, our protector? What
trials have you withstood that brought you to a place of surrender? Where have your
efforts proved fruitless? We must stay close to Him because apart from Him we truly
have nothing. But when we are nourished, fed, and watered by Christ, the vine, nothing
can become all we need.

He is El Shaddai, our sufficiency.

Aimee Barrett is part of our teaching team at Drawing Near to God.
Listen to her teach this Thursday, February 3rd by joining our Livestream of The Names of God.








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