Jehovah, the Promise Keeper

My blog post earlier this week, When God Says No, dealt with the the three deadly “d”s — disappointment, discouragement, disillusionment. Today I want to talk to you a little bit about disappointment. You see, we all face our share of disappointments and God will not always answer our prayers when – or in the same way – we want Him to. But we must trust Him as Jehovah, the Promise Keeper. Let’s look at this together with an entry from my Drawing Near to God devotional, below. What are you trusting God with today? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

The LORD is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made.
Psalm 145:13b

Moses was full of excuses when the Lord asked him to deliver His people out of Egypt. God began to reveal himself as Jehovah when Moses began to question Him. Moses had no understanding of the Lord as Jehovah, the Promise Keeper. When Moses was on the mountain receiving the Ten Commandments from the Lord, the people began to worship other gods. Jehovah saw their idolatry, and, as the Righteous Judge, was prepared to destroy them. Moses reminded God of His promise to make the Jewish people into a nation, and the Lord relented and did not destroy the people. (Exodus 32:11-13) Jehovah remembered and kept His word to preserve His people. Moses returned from the mountain and gave the people an opportunity to repent. Those who did not were killed. In Exodus 33, we see Jehovah, the Promise Keeper, once again keeping His promise to go with Moses to lead the people out, even though He had said He would not go with those “stiff-necked people.” The intimacy that Moses found with Jehovah is seen as the Lord answers his request.

Do you know Jehovah God as the “promise keeper”? Is there a promise in His Word that you continue to cling to, wondering if it will ever be fulfilled in your life? A precious friend of mine told me that God may not answer your prayer when you want Him to, but He will always answer on His time. Our time frame is not always the same as God’s. Give Him your disappointments and impatience, and choose to trust Him as the Promise Keeper.

Heavenly Father,
You have planted a dream in my heart. Every day I pray, waiting for the fulfillment of that dream. I have grown impatient and have been disappointed. Forgive me, Lord, for not trusting You as the Promise Keeper. I choose to wait on Your perfect timing for the fulfillment of my dream.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

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