Jesus is Not a Crutch

Hello my friends! Many of us are feeling isolated, anxious and even a bit depressed as we watch the news and realize the seriousness of this pandemic.  But church, we have the answer. It’s not that we are not anxious and fearful and even depressed at times during this pandemic, but we know that our hope is in Christ. I once was told that leaning on Jesus is a crutch. Fair enough. It may seem as though it is. Leaning on someone that made big promises, came to earth, said He was the Son of God, and left us to go back to where it seemed safer than staying on this earth.  Although for some it may seem that way, my spiritual journey has been anything but leaning on a crutch.  It has been one of searching, trying to intellectualize and reason… until God.. got a hold of my heart.

You see you cannot search for God and not find Him. The Word even says that:

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray/seek me and I will hear you. (Jeremiah 29:11-12)

When I was in my twenties, I decided to go on a search for God. Not that He was lost or anything. It was I that was lost. I grew up in the church and am so very grateful for that, but in that season of my life I was empty. I remember the day I said to God:  “You better be real because I need you to be. I do not need a fairy Godmother that isn’t real. I need a real God with real answers.” So I decided to seek Him with all my heart. And you know what? I found Him. I found that God is not a crutch, but a reality; a strong tower; a refuge and a place of rest; that He takes my fears and drives them out with His love. How did I discover this? It took time. It took persistence in seeking Him and in opening my heart to hear His whisper.

Last Monday, my blog was about becoming revival. I had been praying for God to send revival. I wanted Him to do something in the midst of this pandemic. But His answer was He wanted me to become something during this crisis. 

As we consider the state that we are globally in, we must also consider that we can either say that Jesus is a crutch, or we can determine to seek Him. We can ask Him to do something for us, or we can decide to become something in His name. The choices are ours. But I for one, recognize after years of pursuing Him, that He is the reason that in the midst of this crisis, I am at peace knowing that He remains the same and that my heart still belongs to Him. Not even a pandemic can change that.

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