Joy is Possible

As we approach the New Year, I have been thinking about one of my favorite scriptures:

For the joy of the Lord is your strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)

The people of Judah had just finished rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem. It had been destroyed when God’s people, Israel, were taken into captivity by the Babylonians. The wall was not as high or as powerful as the original wall, nevertheless, it was rebuilt. The next step was to rebuild the people in God’s Word as they were reminded of the importance of obeying God’s Word.

Rebuilding is always a cause for joy. It is hard work and sometimes not as impressive as you would have thought, but the rebuild is worth it. The new start is worth it. We all need a fresh start. The beginning of a new year is always a good time to ask the following questions:

What in my life needs to be torn down so that a new structure can emerge? 

What in my life needs to be restored or rebuilt so that I can resume the work that God has called me to complete? 

Is there an area of my life that I need to shore up by the power of the Holy Spirit? 

I love new beginnings. New beginnings bring me hope and joy. The God of the Bible is referred to as the Repairer of the Breech; the Repairer of souls that are broken and need restoration. He is always ready to bring you into a new season of revival. The Israelites returned to Jerusalem and worked hard to rebuild the wall. Once completed, their families could join them in the new Jerusalem; the one that had been restored. As believers in Jesus Christ, the Lord is at work in our hearts to expand, rebuild, build, and even tear down walls that are obstacles to our growth. And the result?

GREAT JOY! And the result of great joy is that the joy of the Lord becomes our strength. The Lord took the rubble from the old wall in Jerusalem and used the material to build a new wall. Nothing was wasted. And nothing will be wasted in your life once delivered into the hands of God. As you approach the new year, take some time to find your joy in Christ again. Allow Him to do a work in you so that you are revived and ready to enter into this new season. For me, this is another adventure of seeing what God will do with the rubble of my life.

God bless you dear DNG friends. We are traveling together on this journey. If you have been away from us for a period of time, why not join us for our winter/spring session with part two of our study in the book of James. We will look for you!


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