A Life of Spiritual Blessing

Today in our study of Ephesians, we looked at Ephesians 1:1-14. From these verses, we learn that we are:

  • Chosen
  • Adopted
  • Redeemed
  • Forgiven

We see this through the Father electing (vs. 4-6), the Son redeeming (7-12) and the Holy Spirit sealing (13-14).

As you know, I like to share my notes from my teaching on my blog on Thursdays so you can really let it sink into your heart. So, today I want to share with you the below diagram that accompanied my teaching today. It looks very complicated but I encourage you to look at this diagram and study the various parts – inner man vs. outer man; body, soul and spirit; emotion, heart and flesh and the different levels of consciousness.




Now, I want to share with you a song that our worship leader played today, Child of God. You can listen here or via the video below. Listen to this and really let this sink into your heart – the mind of your soul and the conscious of your spirit. Let it sink in that you are a child of God – chosen, adopted, redeemed and forgiven. Wow, that’s a powerful thought, right?

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