Love Hurts

I am writing this blog with a heavy heart. My Dad is dying and it is so very sad for all of us. He has been a remarkable Father in many ways and letting go is one of the most difficult things I have had to do in my lifetime. What I realized today, is that love hurts. If we love someone, we will feel both euphoria and pain. Love is a complex emotion, but for sure it is worth it to love someone deeply than never to have loved.

As we consider our journey with Christ together, seeking ways to make more space for spiritual growth, a priority must be to love. Jesus said the foremost commandment was to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, strength, and mind and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Friends, love is the currency of the kingdom of God. Jesus came, offering His life because He loved the world. Love is painful but so worth it.

Some of you reading this are struggling with having loved someone and the relationship has gone dark. Or you have been betrayed. Perhaps you did not know the love of an earthly Father. But you can be sure that the love of God for you is so extraordinary, so kind and merciful, that His love will sustain you through all love’s lack or love’s pain.

There is a story in the Bible that sheds light on the love of Jesus. It is one where a woman is caught in adultery. The law stated that if you were an adulterer you must be stoned. The woman accused was brought to Jesus. It was a trap to see what Jesus would do. Would He break God’s law? But Jesus demonstrated a higher law– the law of love. He said “let him who is without sin, cast the first stone.” He leveled the playing field. One by one, they had to leave (because, of course, they had all sinned). And who was left? The woman in adultery and Jesus. It was in essence the woman and perfect LOVE who remained standing. And in that moment she was transformed.

What about us? Jesus in our midst, LOVE incarnate…. Love hurts, love covers. But love is worth it.

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