Good morning Making Space for God friends! Today I have a Scripture on my mind that has always intrigued me.
I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth. (Revelation 3:15-16)
This is not a cheery thought. In fact, it is very sobering in its message. And the message is clear; we are either all in or all out; we are either passionate about Jesus or we are so-so; we are either seeking Him with our whole heart, or we are treading water.
This morning I have to ask myself the question:
Am I really all in?
Am I lukewarm?
This past weekend I went to the Alligator Farm in Florida with my husband to take pictures. He takes pictures for the artistry. I take pictures that tell a story, as a documentary. But we both enjoy taking photos for our own reasons.
But what caught my attention was how amicably the bird wildlife and the alligators lived together. Their co-existence surprised me as I viewed the alligators swimming in the pond and the birds in the trees overhead. Even though the birds were tempting food for the alligators, they had struck a co-existence where both seemed harmless.
Harmless that is until a bird flew in too closely (you guessed it) and in one quick moment, the bird became the alligator’s next meal. Though I did not see this happen, and I was told it happens infrequently, it still happens.
So that brings me to my point. As Christians, if we are passionately pursuing God, we are coexisting with challenges to our walk; things that threaten to steal our joy, break our faith, cause us to fall prey to the enemy’s tactics:
The enemy prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (I Peter 5:8)
Friends, we live in a world that may seem hostile to our faith. You may feel as though you are surrounded by alligators trying to devour you.
But God…
Has promised that when you seek Him you will find Him…
That when you are lonely He will never forsake you…
That when you think you are at the end of all hope…
He is there.
If you are lukewarm, you may find yourself unable to get out of the pit.
But if you passionately pursue Jesus, you will find strength and courage to be a light to our world.