Making Space For God

Most of you have found your way to my blog because you are searching for something more…. peace, significance, words of encouragement, help in suffering, and a myriad of other things. We are all searching for these things. My heart in writing the Making Space for God Monday blog, is to help us find these things in Jesus Christ. He alone is the answer to the Google searches of our heart. He alone is our peace, security and joy. But what I have found on this journey is that we need three things:

  1. We need to make space– take the time to pursue Jesus. We need to ask the hard questions. He has the answers.
  2. We need to be on this journey together. Lone island thinking ends us up on the island of desolation.
  3. We need a plan to keep us on the search and part of that plan is Bible reading, prayer, fellowship with others on this journey of faith, and reading inspirational books and blogs to keep our spiritual batteries charged.

Today is Labor Day; a day set aside for those who labor. Spiritually speaking, let’s reflect on the One who labored for us; Jesus. He was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He was born to die. He labored while on earth to fulfill His mission and died a cruel death. But He rose again, sits at the right hand of the Father and prays for us! His priestly prayer describes His work to make us one in Him as we believe.

Fellow travelers, I am going to challenge you today to join me in a way to make space for God– to find the peace you are looking for. I am teaching one of my favorite books of the Bible, Isaiah, and am asking you to join the Drawing Near to God Community. Our classes begin this week. I do have a live teaching, however you can join us anywhere anytime. We stream the classes and can send you the study guide that I have written. Gather groups together to participate in the study as a community. You can learn more about all of these options here.  I can promise you that some of your questions will be answered, a root of peace will be planted in your hearts and the Word will transform you. Isaiah is a book of comfort, but it is also a wake up call to those of us who call ourselves Christians. It is a wake up call for those of you who are not followers of Christ. It is powerful message to our world today to meet the One who has the answers to life’s deepest questions. Together we can find ways to draw near to God and receive His peace that passes understanding.

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