Meeting in the Barley Field

Good afternoon! Today we continued our study of Ruth & Esther by looking at Ruth 2 As I’ve mentioned before, I’ll be sharing my notes from my weekly teachings here on the blog so be sure to check weekly to catch up on those. You can enter your email on the top right of my blog page to get them sent to you directly via email, too. And if you aren’t in the Charleston area or haven’t been able to join us in person for the weekly teaching, I encourage you to subscribe for streaming so you can keep up wherever you are or whenever works for you!




In Ruth 2, we see Ruth meet Boaz in the barley field.  In looking at this story of going to the barley field, we see these six principles:

  • Presence
  • Power
  • Position
  • Purpose
  • Promises
  • Place
  • Protection

All of this, God has provided. With this in mind, I want to ask you a few questions today…

Do you believe that God is holding out on you? Do you believe that God will give you more than enough or do you believe that  God is a stingy Daddy giving you just enough to get by?

Let’s look at what God’s Word says:

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. (James 1:17)

If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him! (Luke 11:13)

That’s our Abba father.  He:

  • Does not withhold one good thing from you (Psalm 84:11)
  • Loves unconditionally (Romans 8:35-38)
  • Provides more than we expect and more than we are aware that we need (Jehovah Jireh)
  • Is Hesed – kind, caring, compassionate and loving
  • Is our just judge (Jehovah)
  • Is our shepherd (Jehovah Rohi) who leads beside still waters
  • Is our healer (Jehovah Rapha)
  • Is our peace (Jehovah Shalom)

He is more than enough.

Let that sink into your heart today.

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