Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day! Today on my Making Space for God blog I wanted to share with you some facts about the observance of Memorial Day. It was designated as a day on which those who died in active military service are remembered. Originally known as Decoration Day, it was traditionally observed on May 30th but in 1971 Congress established Memorial Day as the last Monday in May. It began as an observance for the military personnel who died in the Civil War and continued as an observance for the following wars and casualties.


Civil War

Roughly 620,000 Americans died making it the deadliest war in American history. About 644,000 Americans have died in all other conflicts combined. Red poppies are known as a symbol of remembrance and worn to honor those who died in war.


Our heroes of war are often forgotten but one day a year we are reminded that they sacrificed their lives for our freedom.


Friends, as Christians we are reminded on Easter of the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on the cross for our freedom. He came that we might have life eternal. But we must not remember His sacrifice only once a year. As we make space for God, we make space to remember— we make space to have a heart of gratitude—we make space to honor the One who gave His life for us. As we live our lives in Christ and for Christ, we become a living memorial to the life within us. Church, people are watching us and if we only pay tribute to our King once a year, we cannot be the city on the hill that Jesus challenges us to be. We are called to daily shine for Christ. As you observe our heroes who sacrificed their lives for their country, let us be reminded of the Son of God who sacrificed His life so that we can one day be with Him forever.

Celebrate Jesus, the reason for every season.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

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