More than Conquerors

This week in our study of Romans, we continued in Romans 8, focusing on Romans 8:28, which I like to call the Mount Everest of Scripture. I believe there is no passage of Scripture that holds more comfort for believers during trials than this verse. We live in a world of tension between good and evil, suffering, and God’s glory yet to be revealed. Paul reassures Christians that God is in control; He will work all things out for good for those who have been called according to His purpose.

In this lesson, we looked at how God is in control and how:

  • He is a loving God that works things out for good
  • We are part of God’s ongoing story
  • God’s ongoing story is good (Jeremiah 29:11)
  • Our lives are part of a higher plan consisting of God’s plan for our good. This puts our life into a better perspective.

In this chapter of Romans, Paul turns his attention back to suffering (Romans 8:18). He tells believers that it is impossible to compare their present suffering with the glory that will be revealed in them. Although we should not minimize our suffering today, God’s higher purpose—to have His glory revealed in us—is being accomplished. As we read through this section in Romans, I am able to grab onto the hope that God can and will turn all things around for good, even our sufferings.

  • Suffering is part of the Christian experience
  • Suffering reveals God’s glory
  • Glory to be revealed far supersedes our present suffering.
  • As we wait for God’s glory to be fully revealed, we are being enlarged by the Holy Spirit
  • Creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of glory to be revealed. –that is for Christians to inherit their future glory.

Does this give you hope today, as it does for me?

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