New Year’s Resolutions

Every year during the month of December I spend time talking to God about the New Year and evaluating the past year. I do not approach this as an arduous task but one I look forward to each year. I review the things that went well the past year and think about the things that did not go as planned or seemed to be missed opportunities. I take all of this to the Lord and pray about it, spending time listening, reading the Word and journaling. I am always amazed at how the Lord speaks to me during this time. Then together we look at the New Year and I write down what I sense the Lord would have me pay attention to in the coming year. I write down my spiritual goals, goals with my family, friends, ministry, home. It is so refreshing to start with a clean slate.

Pressing On

Paul wrote to his friends to forget what lies behind and strain towards what is ahead; to press on to the goal for which God had called them. Dear friends, God wants us to take the past and see the past whether deemed a failure or successful and press on continuing on our journey to answer God’s call. Part of pressing on I think is evaluating where we have been and where we are going. I once heard that if you fail to plan then you plan to fail. Planning with God is a good New Year’s resolution.


As you begin the New Year why not spend time with God in prayer and in listening to His still small voice. Write down what you sense He is saying. Focus on pressing on in your journey seeking Him first knowing that things will fall into place when He is first. Take a look at the areas in your life that need some house cleaning— relationships, perhaps doing something that you have put on the back burner and now it is bubbling over. If you have a plan and your plan is dependent on the leading of the Holy Spirit you will not fail. The message of the cross is that Jesus made all things new:

In the Words of Isaiah

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

Beloved friends, make space for God this year. He stands at the door of your heart wanting to do a new thing but you must be willing to perceive it. Are you looking for a way to make space each day? You can follow my daily devotional right through your phone via our mobile app. It’s even more fun when you get your friends and family to join in – they can follow along too, wherever they are, and you all can discuss together!

Happy New Year!

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