No Power Apart From God

This is what the Lord says to you: Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours but God’s.

2 Chronicles 20:15

The Moabites and the Amnonites came to wage war against King Jehoshaphat of Judah. Some men came and told the king that a vast army was coming against them, and the king’s first response was to inquire of the Lord. He proclaimed a fast for all of Judah, and the people came together to seek the Lord. The king prayed in front of the people and declared the faithfulness of God, knowing that God would hear his cry and save them.

(v.9) Jehoshaphat tells God that he knows they have no power to face this vast opposing army, but they would keep their eyes on God. What a statement of faith! The godly King Jehoshaphat knew that there is no power apart from God. The prophet then told all of the people not to fear or be discouraged: the battle belonged to God. As the people of God began to praise the Lord,

God set up ambushes for their enemy and defeat of the enemy followed.

The Lord knows the struggles you face – the opposition of the enemy who seeks to destroy you. His Word today is a reminder that no matter what you face, when you seek the Lord, when you pray and fast, He will defeat your enemies. God is looking for people of faith who will trust His faithfulness – people who will not fall into the trap of the enemy but will look to God.

Do you face an impossible circumstance with impossible odds? Does life seem overwhelming and you are faced with a vast army of opposition?

Seek the Lord; pray and fast; believe that the battle is the Lord’s. When the people of Judah were at the end of their rope, they tossed out their hands to the Lord and He grabbed it to save them. Let go of the rope and reach up to God. He will fight the battle.

Heavenly Father, I feel like I am in a war zone. I look to You and Your power to fight this battle. I have no place to turn save to You, for You alone are able to bring victory. In Jesus’ name, Amen

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