The Nurturing Love of God

Good morning Making Space for God friends! Yesterday was Mother’s Day and I had a glorious day celebrating my 91-year-old mother. For those of you who know her you are smiling right now saying, “She is one amazing lady!” And for those of you who do not know her, just ask me or my two sisters about her or anyone who knows her. She is strong, loving, kind and gracious. Every day I have her still on this side of heaven is a gift.





I have three children and 11 grandchildren and one great-grandchild and I consider myself the most blessed person on earth. And here is what I have learned over the years about being a mother.

Mothers do cry– in fact, they cry about anything to do with their kids. They cry in pain when their children are suffering or struggling. They cry for joy when their children are soaring.

Mothers have a unique ability to juggle many things at one time but all the while their eyes are on their children. My kids thought I had eyes in the back of my head!

Mothers who love Jesus still make mistakes, have to say they are sorry, and still have regrets but they know that Jesus will forgive.

Mothers nurture because that’s just what they do. It may drive their kids crazy, but it’s in our DNA.

Mothers fight for their children and will stand up to anyone who tries to harm them.

I think mothers are the most amazing creatures on earth!

Having said all of that, I thought it might be fun to share with you my Mother’s Day experience with 2 of my children. One posted this on Facebook:


The other one sent me this coffee mug for my Mother’s day gift.

And you are asking…

Where did I go wrong? Or right? Depends on how you look at it. I rejoice that we have the kind of relationship where they can be so crazy. So what does that have to do with making space for God? Glad you asked.

Precious friends, we have to make space for the mothering side of God. As El Shaddai, he sustains us and nurtures us as His children. He protects, guards, and delights in us. He rejoices over us with singing.

It was the fearsome love of God who, while we were yet sinners, caught in the snare of self-destruction, laid down His life for us.

And that is worth celebrating today!

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