Offering a Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that confess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, forth such sacrifices God is pleased.

Hebrews 13:15-16


The Amplified Bible describes a sacrifice of praise: Through Him, therefore, let us constantly and at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name. Do not forget or neglect to do kindness and good. (Hebrews 13:15-16) Praise and thanksgiving as a form of worship begin with our knowing the love of God. David knew the Good Shepherd from the time he was a shepherd in the fields. As King of Israel, he continued to praise and thank God for His hand upon his life and the people of Israel. After the Lord had delivered David from the hand of his enemies and from Saul, he praised God in song: I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies. (II Samuel 22:4) God is indeed worthy of our praise and thanksgiving! Many of the psalms reflect the theme of praise. They reflect Israel’s awareness that praise must follow deliverance when God is to be honored. Praise sprang up from David’s heart of thankfulness to the Lord for his deliverance.

Over the years I have learned that praising and thanking God takes the focus off of me and turns it to God. In the “me first” world, I easily am caught up with thinking that the world revolves around me. When I had my first child, I had my first lesson in self-sacrifice. My child was totally dependent on me and I came to know the rewards of living my life for someone else. Jesus Christ laid down His life for us – the ultimate act of sacrifice – and He thereby set an example for us of sacrifice. We now must offer our lives back to Him in praise and thanksgiving. Yes, this is a sacrifice when going through difficult times, but the reward is great. As we praise, honor and thank Him, our circumstances may not change, but the peace of the Lord will fill our hearts.


Heavenly Father,

Help me to remember to praise You in all circumstances. My heart’s desire is to focus on You and not be self-centered. I willingly offer You my life as a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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