Our Inheritance

LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup, you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.

Psalm 16:5-6


In Scripture, we often see actual events, both natural and historical, that point to spiritual truths. In the Old Testament, we see God fulfilling His promise to Abraham to form the nation of Israel. He guided them to the Promised Land which was their inheritance. As a part of the inheritance which God promised Abraham, a new society was established that contrasted greatly with the existing Canaanite society. New boundaries were established as the land was parceled out to the tribes. The tribes had the responsibility to share the land for the benefit of all of the people.

In our spiritual lives, the Lord is our inheritance. The Lord continues to draw us to Himself with cords of love. The Holy Spirit is establishing in us the Lord’s boundaries in our spiritual land. He is always increasing our spiritual borders so that we can experience more of Him.

Have your boundary lines fallen in pleasant places? Are you increasingly aware of the Lord’s Presence in your life? He desires to give you a spiritual inheritance that is the gift of salvation. As He has His way in your life, His boundaries extend to take in more and more of it. Surrendering to Him enables this expansion.

Heavenly Father, I surrender to You today. Expand my borders to include more of You and less of me. You must increase and I must decrease. In Jesus’ name, Amen

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