Peace That Transcends Understanding

Are you seeking peace today? Below is an entry from my devotional, Sitting at His Feet, with encouragement that the Lord has given me when I have been seeking peace. No matter what situation we are facing in our lives, He encourages us to turn to Him, our Prince of Peace, for a peace that transcends understanding.


I will give you a peace that transcends understanding. In the midst of your trials and anxiety, I will give you hope. Turn back to me and seek me with all of your heart. Your circumstances seem to be spinning out of control, but I am the eye of the storm. And I am the Prince of Peace. There is river of life with my Presence that constantly flows and is available to you. No trial or difficulty can keep you from my Presence. My peace is available to you like a river that is teeming with life—my life. It is my love that never fails that will keep you centered on me and not on the trial. If only you would turn back to me and surrender to the river of my Presence, you will find that you no longer have to tread water but can float in the river of my life.

Isaiah 26:3; Isaiah 48:17-18; Psalm 46:10

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