Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

This afternoon, I want to share with you this entry from my devotional, Sitting at His Feet. This devotional is different than my 365-day devotional in the sense that the entries are specific to issues and emotions that we all face. This devotional is a compilation of journal entries from my personal quiet times with the Lord. These writings come out of my wrestling through issues with Him in the Word and in prayer and the comfort He has given me in the process.

Today I want to share with you comfort that the Lord has given me when I’ve felt fearful. So many women that I meet share their fears with me and so, on this “Making Space Monday,” I want to encourage to you make space for God’s perfect love that casts out fear.


Fear has some stubborn traveling companions. Fear travels in circles that compete for your peace and drive stress. His buddies are stress, insecurity, and anxiety. His circle of friends threatens to overtake you as you examine the possibilities set before you. Do not fear the future or even the snares of today. Look to me for the solutions to your problems.

Fear is a clawless lion that growls loud enough to cause you to get stressed and anxious. Fear confronted with my love stands no chance of survival; my perfect love drives out fear. When you open your heart to my love, surrendering to the endless possibilities that my love will bring, fear must go.




Fear has taken residence in your heart in the space where my love longs to dwell. As you seek my love and stand against the fear, you will find that fear has no sting. No matter what you face each day—a health issue, even a sentence of death, fear cannot stand against my love.

Psalm 23:4; I John 4:17-18; I Peter 5:7-8

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