Pray Like You Mean It

As I was preparing for our lesson this week on the prayer of faith described in the 5th chapter of James, I found myself saying: “Joanne, pray like you mean it.” That seemed pretty strange, but as I read the scripture, it spoke to me of deeper prayer than simply asking God to heal someone or even myself.

Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church to pray over him…

Prayer is commanded by Jesus. Prayer is not just words we speak, but words we believe as we ask, seek, and take action. James tells us to ask for prayer and that our prayers will reach God and raise us up.

Praying like I mean it. Do I? Am I simply going through the motions because Jesus told us to pray? Or am I so desperate that I choose prayer to make me feel better? As if James is reading my mind he goes on to say:

The prayers of a righteous person has great power as it is working. (James 5:16). 

We pray because Jesus tells us to pray. We pray because it works! Friends, if the enemy can get us to think that prayer is a waste of time, then he wins because prayer works and he doesn’t want to see your prayers answered. James 5:1-16 specifically commends prayer for the sick, for those who need to be forgiven, and for those who are suffering. I remember the day that I recognized that my prayers had not fallen on deaf ears when in desperation I prayed for my daughter and He answered. He did not answer as I had asked or maybe even as I had hoped, but His answer was the best answer and it changed the course of our lives.

James also tells us to confess our sins to one another in order to be healed. Bringing our sins out into the light sets in motion God’s deliverance and healing. We pray in agreement for God’s intervention:

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed. (verse 16). 

I am certain that if we believe that prayer is powerful, then we would spend our days praying and we would see God’s healing power manifested. Would you join me today in prayer? And then please comment on this blog about how God moved on your behalf. Scripture tells us that we overcome through the power of our testimony. Let’s share what God has done and is doing through our prayers!


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