The Kingdom is Near Study Guide

The Kingdom is Near Study Guide


8 Week Bible Study

Jesus’ first words of ministry were: “ Repent, for the kingdom is near.” What is the kingdom? What did Jesus say about His kingdom?  The purpose of this eight-week study is to answer these questions by unpacking the message and ministry of the kingdom, the keys to kingdom character, and the importance of understanding kingdom warfare.

Table of Contents


Week 1: The Gospel of the Kingdom, Repentance, the first Sign of the Kingdom

Week 2: Kingdom “Now” and “Not Yet”, The Kingdom Within

Week 3: Kingdom Attitudes, Trusting God

Week 4: Forgiveness, Judgement

Week 5: The Holy Spirit, Authority for Ministry

Week 6: Prayer and Intercession, Signs and Wonders

Week 7: Earth’s Evil Ruler, Taking the Kingdom by Force

Week 8: The Power of the Cross, Suffering and Tribulation

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