Promises Received by Faith

Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”

John 6:28


God’s promises are true and He is the Promise Keeper. Hebrews 10 tells us that He who promised is faithful. We sometimes use human standards to consider what faithfulness means. In today’s society, we see marriages that have failed due to unfaithfulness, friendships that have been lost because of broken promises, and businesses that have failed because they have been proven untrustworthy. Paul writes to the Jews and Gentiles using Abraham as an example of a man who was considered righteous because he believed God and his promises. When the crowd asked Jesus what they must do to be right with God, He responded that they must believe in Him. The first promise we have from God is that all the promises are ours if we simply believe. Seem too easy? In today’s world of “doing” and “performance,” it does seem too easy to simply believe and receive God’s promises by faith. Paul explains in the fourth chapter of Romans that before Abraham underwent circumcision, he believed. Circumcision did not make him “right” with God. Abraham’s faith alone justified him, and in turn he was the beneficiary of God’s promises.

Our unwavering faith in Jesus Christ puts into our “accounts” the promises of God in His Word. What promises are you waiting for because you have failed to believe?


Heavenly Father,

You alone are faithful to Your Word. Forgive me where I have not believed that the promises in Your Word are for me. Help me to believe like Abraham with unwavering faith.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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