Purpose and Direction

Dear friends, every week we look at ways to make space for God and this week I want to discuss purpose and direction. If you are a living-breathing-walking-on-earth person you have a destiny ordained by God. You are significant because you are His creation, His beloved and a daughter or son of the King. If there is one thing people ask me the most is: ” How do I find my purpose?” Jesus said that He would send His Holy Spirit enabling us to be witnesses for Him throughout the earth.

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria to the ends of the earth. 

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations… (Matthew 28:19)

So the question is not “what is our purpose?” Jesus was very clear about that. The better question is, “how do I fulfill my purpose?”

We fulfill our purpose daily wherever God has planted us. In our homes, in our workplace, in our daily ordinary lives. And the exciting part is to see how the Lord leads you, and how he opens the doors daily that He has prepared for you. It’s truly an exciting way to live, trusting the Master door-opener.

This week I saw a sign that spoke to me. I had to laugh as I screeched into the parking lot, whipped out my cell phone to take a picture and then looked around to see who was watching me. Guess they figured I needed to hear it:

So first we establish our purpose, recognizing that we are the hands and feet of Christ on earth, demonstrating His goodness to everyone we come across during our day. This could be our kids, the person we meet at the grocery store…. everyone.  Armed with our purpose and significance, the Holy Spirit will empower and give us courage, but we must make the effort.

The other day, I just wanted to be a mean girl. You know that girl that when you see her you take a deep breath and hope she doesn’t notice you? Now admit it. We all want to run. 🙂 I was tired, grumpy, and just did not want to put on my love face. I wanted to keep walking. In the grocery store line, wondering why I came to the store looking like I did, I heard a voice say: “You’re Joanne Ellison, right?” I wanted to say, “not really.” Or maybe something like… “Well, that’s the nice girl. Today I want to be the mean one.” And then I heard her say: “I hear you on the radio and read your devotional. Thank you so much for inspiring me to draw closer to God.” I smiled (my not mean girl smile) and said thank you. When I got into the car I sensed the Lord saying: “Work with me on this attitude. Make an effort and I will meet you more than halfway.” I chuckled as I pulled away from the store knowing that the Lord had had the last word. He always does.



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