Ready… Set… School!

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105

As summer draws to a close, school is starting up. Eagerly returning college students make plans to see their friends and prepare for a new semester. Purchases are made for living and learning away from home. The school-aged children can’t wait to be with their friends every day. Their new lunch boxes, backpacks, socks, shoes, and sandals are ready. Moms ensure all the paperwork is complete, physicals are turned in for their sporty youngsters. Yes, they check their list, she is signed up for music lessons on Mondays, and he is signed up for tennis on Tuesdays, and the little one has a babysitter one morning a week. The kindergartners are either a little apprehensive or excited to embark on the adventures of learning at school. They are not certain whether to resist or try. Orientation is helpful. The teacher welcomes them and allays their fears, sharing glimpses of the upcoming year’s learning and instilling in them a hope for their futures. Moms attempt to ease the transition as they set up playdates with potential new school friends to encourage their precious ones to be courageous and overcome their concerns about a new environment. ‘Look, you have a friend who will be with you. You can sit and learn together.’ Thank you to these loving Moms. After all, it can be daunting for a five-year-old to face a new teacher, a new daily routine, and a new rhythm to their little lives. Rise and shine little one, hurry dress, have breakfast, and brush your teeth, school is starting soon. Everything is so new for them. Will they embrace the newness or run from it?

I wonder as we approach a new semester of Bible study, will we be excited? Are we expecting to meet with God in new and fresh ways as we listen to the teaching? Will we have our shiny new notebooks and pens, and be Bible ready? Will we have signed up? Will we sign up our new friends? Will we invite our friends, perhaps a family member or a neighbor to join us on a fresh learning adventure? After all, as the children know, it is so much better when friends are learning together. College students know that collaborative learning with a cup of coffee is far more enjoyable than being couped up in your room with your iPad and notes, studying alone. A group discussion allows for more insights. Building bonds with fellow students brings some moments of relief, as you are able to identify with common complaints and severe struggles in just living this life with all its challenges. Students who want to succeed know that they have to make time to study. Will we choose to do the same, even if we have to change our daily routine and rhythm of life? Have you signed up? Will you sign up? Will you invite your friends? Will you be bold and courageous?
Let us like the woman at the well run back and invite others to come and see the one who knows everything about us. Will you?

Pray with me.

Lord God, the fountain of all wisdom, please bless our children as they start school and college this semester. Would you give them knowledge and understanding of all kinds in literature and learning and would you give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you. Please help us to share the opportunity to learn of you with our friends, family, and neighbors and would you draw them by your spirit to yourself. In your name and for your glory, Amen.

So the woman left her water jar and went away into the town and said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?” John 4;29-30

Wendy G.

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