Replacing Fear

This week I invited Jayne Gurley to be a guest teacher at our weekly Teaching & Worship Experience in the study, Living in God’s Presence. Focusing on our lesson, “His Presence Destroys Our Enemies” Jayne did a beautiful job teaching us strategies for when we encounter fears.  You can read her strategies and accompanying Scripture in the Notes section of our mobile app. So, I want to encourage those of you who are encountering some sort of fear today. Here is an entry from my devotional, Sitting at His Feet, inspired by encouragement that the Lord has given me in times of fear —



It is tempting to give in to fear my child, but fear is the counterfeit to my peace. I know the fear that consumes you, but look to me to replace your fear with my peace and hope. Many years ago I reminded my people, the Israelites, that when they passed through the waters they would not be overtaken, and when they walked through the fire I would be with them. I was with Daniel in the lion’s den and with him and his companions in the fiery furnace. When your problems cause you to be afraid remember that I am with you; that no matter what you face I will be with you. The basis of fear is the sense of being alone, so knowing that I am with you displaces the root of fear. My hands are not tied behind my back and neither are yours. You have choices you can make because I go before you. Release your fear to me and seek my face. I will lead you to my perfect peace.

Isaiah 43:1-2; Daniel 6:19-20; 2 Corinthians 1:9-10

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