Resetting Your God Priorities

Good morning, Making Space for God friends! Hoping you are finding great ways to make space for God in your life–ways that are fresh and empowering. I have added time to my early morning devotionals as well as trying to find some quiet time in the afternoon after my busy days. It’s not easy. Frankly, it takes discipline to not let the world, work, kids crowd out time for the Lord and time for quiet reflection. Here are some of the suggestions I have for you to do this.

  1. Get out your calendar and write down a first of the day time to be with the Lord; read Scripture, journal and pray. Also build into this time, just being quiet– listening and responding to what you have read; being in “tune” to the Shepherd’s voice. People always tell me they don’t hear from God. My answer. Are you listening, reflecting, as you read Scripture? Are you taking time to just be still and know that He is God? 
  2. Commit to seeking the Lord all day long no matter what you are doing and where you find yourself during the day. Be conscious of His nearness. Talk to Him. Expect Him to show up in conversations and in daily life. You may not see a burning bush like Moses, however He is there and if we open our spiritual eyes and ears we will see and hear Him throughout our day.
  3. At the end of the day – or for those with kids, it may be much later at night –  take a few moments to reflect on your day. Where did you see God at work during your day? How did you respond? What did He say in your quiet time or during your day?
  4. Maintain an awareness that the Holy Spirit is near leading and directing your day; this sets your expectations high.


There are days when I do not practice what I preach– many days. I rush through my quiet time, don’t tune in during the day and flop in bed at night wondering where the day went? And then there are other days where I start my day as I described, am tuned in to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and go to bed with sweet dreams of how precious life is in Christ. It’s easy to go through the motions of living, but Jesus said our lives in Him will be abundant. So I have a question for you. Do you feel as though you are living into this promise of an abundant life? What is causing you to drag in your Christ-life? Talk to your Shepherd. He will lead you beside the still waters and restore your soul. He is waiting to hear from you.

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