Responding to the Invitation

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.
He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish,

but everyone to come to repentance.
II Peter 3:9

It is the Lord’s desire for all people to know Him. He is infinitely more patient than our minds are able to comprehend. He draws people to Himself through cords of love; however, many people choose not to respond to His love. His love is so consuming that He desires no one will perish by not responding to His invitation to know Him. With the Lord, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. (v.8)

The Lord also seeks to deliver us from our sins and those things that keep us in bondage. He continues to reveal to us the things in our lives that hold us captive and keeps us from drawing near to Him. I can be so stubborn at times, not able to see the sin in my life. Perhaps I have not forgiven someone or I have allowed a root of bitterness to grow against someone. The Lord continues to pursue me, desiring that I respond to his invitation to turn back to Him.

Why is it so difficult to let go of an unforgiving attitude, pride, or self-centeredness? God is patient with us, and He allows our misery to go unchecked until we recognize how miserable we really are living apart from Him. If you find yourself bogged down in life, filled with regret, bitterness, or unforgiveness, remember that the Lord is patient. He will tenderly lead you to repentance and restore you. It is His desire that you do not perish in your misery, but that you are fulfilled in His love.

Heavenly Father,
Forgive me for not responding to Your invitation to turn back to You. Forgive me for preferring to live a life that is focused on myself. I am grateful for Your patience with me. I am grateful for Your promise of restoration.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

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