Today my heart is heavy as two of my priests tested positive with the Corona Virus. My third priest has been sick for weeks and has also been tested. One of them is on ventilator. COVID 19 has shut down communities and caused anxiety and fear to rise up in many. So how do we as Christians respond? We too are anxious at times and fear threatens to take us down.
First let me suggest that fear is a natural reaction. This is really serious and life threatening. Secondly, we must draw heavily on our spiritual bank account– the deposits we have made to our soul through reading Scripture, prayer and listening to our Shepherd’s voice. If over the years you have not made heavy deposits into your spiritual account, this is the time to do it. If you have, though you have bouts with fear, it will not overtake you.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. And when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the FLAMES WILL NOT SET YOU ABLAZE. (Isaiah 43:2)
Speaking of flames, this brings me to my main point. As Christians, we are called to be a burning bush that does not burn. Think about this with me. Moses was being commissioned by God to take God’s people out of Egypt. He was doing his job watching his sheep, and suddenly he sees a burning bush that never burns up. God spoke to Him and basically (big paraphrasing on my part). “Moses, you are now going to become like the bush. I am setting you ablaze with my calling and anointing to set my people free and take them into the land I have chosen.”
So what about us? Can we burning bushes aflame with God’s love- a people who walk in peace and comfort setting the world on fire with our love? Yes we can because Jesus Christ is love and He resides within our spiritual temple as believers.
The other day I was praying for revival. My consistent prayer is: ” Lord, send revival.” I heard the voice of my Shepherd speak to my heart: ” Joanne, why are you praying for revival?” My response- ” it’s what the world needs; we need to be revived in Christ”. His response:
Joanne, pray to become revival….
I sat there for awhile pondering what I thought I was hearing. The whole day I wondered what that meant and then it dawned on me. I had been praying for God to do something and He wanted me to become something.
Friends, amidst this stressful anxiety producing time in which we live, we have yet another opportunity to be as Christ put it: a city on a hill with our light shining brightly. He even warned us not to hide our light. It’s time for us to become revival– filled with HIS light becoming the burning but not burned up bush.
Will you consider joining me as a Drawing near to God community and light a candle at 8 pm every night so that we can join together — all our lights burning brightly and pray for this horrific virus to cease; for the people impacted who have lost family members and friends; for job losses and loss of security. Together we will unite in Christ and shine, and bring hope and comfort to those in need. And I would love it if you reply by sending your lit candle. It encourages all of us to see our solidarity in prayer.