Serving the LORD with GLADNESS

As a mom to a teenage boy and a tween daughter, there are moments when I grow weary and tired of parenting. Even though I don’t have to cater to their every physical need as I did when they were younger, I still find myself exhausted from their bickering and complaining, or having to remind them again to wash their mud-crusted hands before they eat.

This morning, after a hassle to get to school on time, I turned to Psalm 100 to lift my spirits. I love Psalm 100’s upbeat message and how I am called to remember that the LORD is God and that He is good. This particular psalm always helps me lift my head up from the things that wear me down and encourages me to praise God instead.

But today, the second verse really caught my attention. Serve the LORD with gladness! 

I felt the LORD was reminding me that serving my kids (in a healthy, age appropriate way) is a form of serving the LORD. God isn’t asking me to serve my kids with an annoyed heart. He’s calling me to serve them with joy, gratitude, and patience.

Which sounds good in theory, right? But what does that look like realistically?

For me, it’s reminding myself that I can’t be the parent, wife, employee, friend that I’m called to be, unless I’m leaning on God to get me through. It is the Holy Spirit that equips me to respond with kind words, breathe deeply when I’m losing patience, and utter the words “God, help me”. We aren’t able to be an example of Christ to those around us in our own strength. We need to lean on God to help us and we do this through prayer, reading scripture, and worshipping Him.

Is there someone in your life that you find it difficult to serve or help? As an employee, friend, wife, or mom – no matter what life season you are in – there are a variety of ways we serve throughout the day.

I hope today you’ll spend some time praising God for the ability to serve others. And praise Him for covering our mistakes with grace, molding us to be more like Him in how we live and love, and equipping us with patience and kindness for others and ourselves.

Dear Abba Father,

Thank you for loving us so much that you care about every little thing in our lives. You say that we are never alone and that you strengthen us. We admit that we are weak in ourselves and need you. Please equip us with humility and patience to be a woman set on a hill giving light to those around us.

In Your Name We Pray,

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