Speak Truth

It seems these days that most of us are receiving an overload of messages via texting, emails, phone calls, radio, t.v., and the list is endless. Our brains are on overload and I don’t know about you but my brain processing software either needs to be updated, or I need a new brain. I am out of RAM space. I suspect many of you feel the same way.

Which messages do you need to keep?

How to respond or is there a need to respond?

Which messages are true?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge (submit to) God and He will make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Hidden in this Scripture is the answer to sorting out all of the mixed messages we receive every day.

Trust. Do not depend on your own wisdom, submit to God, and He will light up your path. So now that we have that bit of wisdom, let’s answer the “how”.

How do we trust God when our lives are unraveling and we are getting mixed messages? When life is confusing and we need clarity, how do we submit to God? Submission is a process.

Friends, our walk with Jesus is a journey towards getting to know Him– learning to trust Him daily in the little things so when the big storms come we will rest in trusting Him. This relationship with Him is sometimes slow as we learn His ways and see the evidence of His working in our lives for our good. Submission follows. When we trust, we are able to lean in and surrender.

So today what messages are you receiving and which ones are you entertaining as truth and yet they cause you to lose your peace? Go to the one who is called Prince of Peace, Emmanuel, God with us; and ask Him to sort out your steps. Make a decision to filter all your messages in your inbox with the One who is trustworthy and He will make your path straight.

With all the input, our finite minds need the wisdom of God to process, discern, and respond. No wonder my word for the New Year is to lean not on my own understanding. I need God to sort through the mail in my life!


Joanne Ellison

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