Spirit and Power

If you follow my blog each week, you know that we are studying Ephesians at our Teaching & Worship Experience each week. If you’re new, please know that you can always join us live in the Charleston area or by streaming wherever you are (or whenever you want to join).

You may also know that I like to share notes from my teaching here on the blog. This week, we studied Ephesians 3:14-21. I shared that the key point in this text is as follows:

Wherever you are in a battle- a place where you have lost peace and are not prospering – it is the work of the cross that enables you to access God’s love and power.

You see, we will wear ourselves out if we try to love the unlovable. But God…

It is the supernatural power of God – His love and power – that allows us to love others.

Paul’s prayer in these Scriptures is like a staircase climbing 4 levels, which are:

  1. Strength
  2. Love
  3. Knowledge
  4. Fullness of the Holy Spirit

We can only access the power of the cross when we get off the throne of self – we must invite Christ into our hearts.

So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith (Ephesians 3:17)

What does this mean for us? This is the most important thing I shared this morning:

  • Jesus doesn’t want to just be a visitor
  • He wants to inhabit your life
  • Not just a visitation but an indwelling

Let’s all join together to invite Jesus to inhabit our lives – indwelling in our hearts. That’s a beautiful picture, isn’t it?

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