Strangers in the World

Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires which war against your soul.

I Peter 2:11

Peter refers to Christians in the world as strangers whose citizenship is in heaven. Peter calls the readers to live as strangers in the world, abstaining from sin and glorifying God by good deeds. It is difficult to stand against the tide of society which opposes Christian values and rejects absolute Biblical truth.

Has the Lord asked you to do anything that seemed to alienate you from the things of the world? Peter tells us in I Peter 2:6-8 that for those who believe, Jesus, the Cornerstone, is precious, but not so for those who are unbelievers. They reject Christ’s message of salvation. Although believers are called to live as strangers in the world, in Christ we are to be “salt and light” as we stand firm and are prepared to give the reason for the hope that we have in Christ. (I Peter 3:15) The world has never needed Him more!

Heavenly Father,

Sometimes I feel like a fish out of water as I go through life. I know that You have called me to reflect Your values, Your ways, and Your love, but it is difficult. The world pulls me in another direction, and I feel alone sometimes trying to live a Christian life. Lord, give me the grace to follow You; give me the courage to stand for You; give me the love for all people and for Your world so that I will walk in humility and represent You well.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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