Strategies for Evangelizing

Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Colossians 4:5-6


Although Paul realized that circumcision was not necessary for salvation, he knew that in order for Timothy to be effective as a missionary spreading the word of Jesus Christ, he would need to be circumcised. The Jews were more apt to hear his message if he were circumcised. It is often prudent to be sensitive to the ways of the people we are trying to bring to the Lord. We should also be strategic or mindful of the best places, time, and recipients of the message we bring. For example, the apostles chose to teach about Jesus in the synagogues where the people were more likely to listen to what they had to say. Paul was also sensitive in considering the best strategy for evangelism when he was in Philippi. He was wise to go to the river, the place of prayer, to share about Jesus. The place of prayer by the river was likely to be filled with people ready to hear the Word of God. We, too, must carefully consider the most effective place and the most effective way to share our faith.

Consider whom the Lord has placed in your life: people in the workplace, in your home, and your friends. As you build relationships and sensitivity to the people He places around you, your effectiveness in living the gospel before them will increase. God is not looking for “super saints” to spread His message of salvation. He is looking for ordinary people living among ordinary people who are willing to share an extraordinary faith. We earn the right to be heard when we care for the people around us. Often it is more effective to preach the gospel with actions, not with words. Sometimes what we do speaks louder than what we say.

Paul, in his letter to the Colossians, reminded them to be wise in the way they acted towards outsiders, filling their conversations with grace.

He recognized that the world of unbelievers is watching us. They want to believe in a God who cares, but they first want to see if you care.

Heavenly Father,

Use me for Your glory in my home and in my relationships, and especially allow outsiders to see my love for You through how I care for them. I want to draw people into Your kingdom with love.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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