Submitting to Authority

Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men…

1 Peter 2:13


The word “submit” comes from the Greek word hupeiko, meaning “to yield.” The culture in which we live suggests to us that we must be in control of our own destiny. Leading submitted, humble lives seems to be synonymous with being weak in character. However, yielding to the Lord and to those in authority actually strengthens us to live successful lives.

When we yield ourselves completely to Christ, we love others and have their best interest at heart. We become people who are God-centered and not self-centered. Yielding to the authority of God allows us to live in peaceful surrender to a loving God who knows what is best for us and for others.

The verses in this section of I Peter challenge us as we seek to understand the meaning of submission in our lives.

Where are you struggling with submission to authority? I remember teaching one of my children to yield at an intersection when she was learning to drive. My child, who always tested me, would come to yield at a stop sign or intersection and always inch her way out without first coming to a stop and looking both ways. Yielding requires us to slow down or perhaps stop and allow others to go ahead of us. The Lord has given us people in authority such as parents, government officials and our bosses, to whom we must be willing to submit. God is our ultimate authority, and as we learn to yield and surrender ourselves to Him, we will likewise learn to submit to others. We are actually strengthened as we learn to humbly do so.


Heavenly Father,

It seems safer to be in control of my own life. I struggle with surrendering to You and I realize that the root of my fear is lack of trust. Forgive me, Lord. Today I surrender to You. Give me the grace to surrender to those who are in authority over me and help me to extend grace to those over whom I have authority.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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