Worry is Not Your Friend

  Good morning making space for God friends. Today we are going to look at the subject of worrying. Throughout the years my Mother told me that worrying is a sin. I always rolled my eyes until recently when I pondered what she meant by that. The Greek word for sin is amartia which means […]

Do Not Grow Weary

 Good morning Making Space for God community! This morning I want to encourage you and likewise myself not to grow weary. Most of our country has been practicing social distancing and some full on quarantine for a month now, and some are growing weary. We all want to get back to normal. The problem is […]

A Month of Sundays (Guest blog)

My mother used to say, “Never in a month of Sundays would I have imagined…” It was a way to express dismay. It was used to create a parallel.  As impossible as a month of Sundays was to imagine…. And, here we are living in a month of Sundays, old fashioned Sundays. There was a […]

Don’t Hit the Snooze Button

Hello making space for God friends. Here we are back to another Monday in our season of social distancing. Those who know me know I call it social isolation:) I have lost track of days or how long we have been in this pattern, but I am grateful to our leaders who have called a […]

Dying to Self

    For years when I heard in Christian circles the words dying to self, I wanted to say surely there is something else we can talk about. It isn’t my feel good place if you know what I mean. But is Christianity about our feel good place or is it about laying down our lives […]

Be Anxious For Nothing

Beloved friends, who would have ever thought we would live through something such as Covid 19? I sure didn’t. I didn’t even think about potential pandemics. Living in Charleston, SC I have had enough to think about when hurricane season rolls around. But after this season of fear, anxiety, and loss of control, I realize […]

Being Contagious (Guest Blog)

During this time of social distancing, isolation, and even quarantine, when we are all rightfully focused on not catching or passing the Corvid 19 virus, let me briefly address the mandate to every Christian. Yesterday as I was praying with my dear friend and Priest Anthony Kowbeidu who has tested positive for the virus, God […]

Jesus is Not a Crutch

Hello my friends! Many of us are feeling isolated, anxious and even a bit depressed as we watch the news and realize the seriousness of this pandemic.  But church, we have the answer. It’s not that we are not anxious and fearful and even depressed at times during this pandemic, but we know that our […]

Revive Us

Today my heart is heavy as two of my priests tested positive with the Corona Virus. My third priest has been sick for weeks and has also been tested.  One of them is on ventilator. COVID 19  has shut down communities and caused anxiety and fear to rise up in many. So how do we […]