There is No Fear in Love

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. I John 4:18 Fear, according to Webster, is a “strong emotion caused by anticipation of danger.” Fear produces anxiety and is a tactic the enemy uses […]

The Bondage of Pride

Good morning, Making Space for God community! Today I want to talk to you about pride. That’s a pretty hefty issue, isn’t it? And one we often like to ignore. Today’s entry from my Drawing Near to God devotional deals with this subject of pride. Speaking of the devotional, it’s a great way to stay […]

Identity in Christ (Video Blog)

Good morning, Making Space for God Community! Today I want to share with you a video blog about one of the most significant topics for women today – our identity in Christ. The world and our culture try to send us so many messages and tell us who we are, but the true question is […]