Do You Want to See Jesus?

Welcome to Making Space Mondays! As a community of faith, we are on a journey to make space for God so let’s start our week off with a question: ” Do you want to see Jesus?” There was  man named Zacchaeus who wanted to see him. No doubt he had heard about him as word […]

Misdirected Zeal

This week as we continue our study in Romans, we focus on Romans 10: Misdirected Zeal. For I can testify about the they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge since they did not know the righteousness that comes from God and sought to establish their own, they did not […]

Success Is Not Measured by Likes

Good morning Drawing Near Community! Today on my making space for God Monday, I am addressing the subject of significance and success. Let’s start out together agreeing that we cannot measure our success or significance by how many likes we get on Facebook or Instagram. But if I had to guess, many do. Everyone likes […]