Take Time for Rest

Today I want to share with you an entry from my Sitting at His Feet devotional. The writings in this devotional come out of my wrestling through issues with Him in the Word and in prayer, and the comfort He has given me in the process This entry is about rest. This Fall (and always), I encourage you to seek the true source of rest – Jesus.





I know that you are worn out and have resisted giving in to much-needed rest. I long to bear your burden and take from you the heavy yoke of stress. My yoke is easy and burden light. When you release the concerns that you carry to me you will find rest. I have the answers that you need and the plan to navigate this trial. When you come to me I will take the heavy backpack of worry and the concerns that you have and carry them for you. Have you forgotten that I give strength to the weary and am your greatest advocate? I will lead you in the way that you should go and help you to find rest in me. Do not lean on your own understanding. Seek me and you will find a straight path unburdened by the cares of the world.

Proverbs 3:5; Matthew 6:25-34; Matthew 11:28-30


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